Our appointment was at 8:30am. By the time all the chemo drugs arrived from the pharmacy it was 9:45am when Dom was hooked up. I think we will call the next time to prevent unnecessary waiting time in the clinic. We spoke with Dr. Bond who gave us some very promising news. He compared Dom’s […]
April 8th Last Blood Test for Cycle One
Dominique had one last blood test to make sure she is ready for her next cycle of chemo. Everything checked out and her new central line works. Her chemo is scheduled for the 11th and it will be a full day in the clinic. Time spent in the hospital on that day: 1 hour
April 7th Surgery #2- Central Line Replacement
Our surgery time to get Dom’s central line replaced was set for 9am this morning. We had to be at the hospital at 7:30am. …with the “spring ahead” time change it really meant 6:30am. Our surgery was scheduled in an emergency slot meaning if an urgent case came through the doors we could be bumped and have to wait. […]
April 6th Bald is Beautiful
Well the deed has been done. It is not too late to donate. You have till the end of April to send your donations. Time spent in the hospital on that day: 2 hours (well not for Dominique)
April 5th Another Visit to the ER
It was around 5:30pm, Sylvain had just come home from work and I was getting ready to make us some Friday night poutine. I decided to change Dominique’s diaper before I fed her- and when I did, my heart just about stopped. Dominique’s central line had come out and was no longer attached to her chest. […]
April 3rd Some Good News
Today we went for blood test #3 to find out how Dom’s blood counts were and to meet with the Dr. Bond to find out what is going on with the surgery to fix Dom’s Central Line. The blood test is getting worse and worse each time. Dom truly remembers the blood clinic and cried and cried […]
March 31st Happy Easter
Happy Easter All is well in the Marcotte family. Easter bunny came to visit and Dominique is full of eggs!! Time spent in the hospital on that day: 0 hours!
March 28th Blood Test to Check Her Counts
To ease Dom’s discomfort of the blood test we first went to the oncology clinic and had some numbing cream put on her arm and waited 45 minutes for it to work. As soon as Dom sat in the chair with Sylvain she knew what was going to happen and she cried uncontrollably. Unfortunately, the […]
March 25th Blood Test – Blood Count Check
I was confident that this appointment would be brief and Dom’s levels would be fine. Quite the contrary. When the nurse attempted to draw blood from Dom’s central line…it didn’t work although it flushed ok. We were sent to X-ray to try and find out the problem, and then sent to the lab so Dom […]
March 22nd Some side effects
Dominique had really bad diarhea on this date. We had been giving her Ondonsetron and a potential side effect is diarhea (and constipation…go figure). She has a really bad diaper rash as a result. Time spent in the hospital on that day: 0 hour.