The clinic was extremely busy on this date and we could barely find a seat anywhere as we waited with Dom hooked up to her chemo treatment. We did find out, however, that a hydration flush wasn’t necessary and therefore we’d be leaving two hours earlier. Apparently a mistake was made the previous day and […]
March 19th 2nd Day of Chemo
Dominique did well during the actual chemo injection. Today she received Etoposide only and a hydration flush so we ended up being at the clinic for approximately 5 hours. I met a woman who worked at Holyburn Family services and we know many of the same probation officers. Her little boy has leukemia and they […]
March 18th First Day of Chemo and Other Tests
We had to be at the Hospital for 8am to have an ECG done on Dominique. I had no prior concerns regarding any challenges this test could pose. Dominique was obviously traumatized from being restrained for scans the following week, because whenever we layed her down on the table she screamed and screamed. The technician […]
March 15th Dom’s 11 month birthday! & no scheduled hospital appointments!
It felt so good to tell Dominique over and over…no hospital today…we don’t have to go…yahooo. Until later in the morning when I listened to voice mail and received a message from the hospital requesting we come in for an EKG at 1pm. My heart sank. I called back and requested a reschedule even though […]
March 14th MIBG scan #2, bone injection/scan & more CVC training.
We had to be at the hospital bright and early for her first scan at 8:20am. Dom was equally terrorized by the machine and cried fearfully for most of the time. We were able to distract her with some toys once her head moved out from underneath the machine. The CVC training went well and […]
March 13th MIGB Scan #2 and More CVC Training.
We showed up for Dom’s second scan at 3pm and 30 mins later found out the camera equipment was frozen. So it was suggested we postpone until the next day. This was good because I was dreading Dominique being further terrorized by the machine…although it meant more scans the following day. We went to Oncology […]
March 12th MIBG scan #1 & 2nd attempt at CVC training
We followed the technician’s advice and brought a tired child to the lab. From the moment Dominique was restrained and saw the big monster machine rotate around her and come down her in a crushing motion she cried, and cried like we’ve never heard her terrorized and traumatized. When she finally did doze off after […]
March 11th CVC training and MIGB Injection
We made arrangements to go to Oncology to receive some training on how to do all the maintenance for Dom’s CVC line. This is seeming like a really big deal…too big of a deal. After we went to Nuclear Medicine so Dom could get an MIGB injection into her CVC. This radioactive substance is attracted […]
March 10th Quick Visit #2
Another quick visit to have Dominique’s central line “hep locked” or flushed”. It was nice to get out fast especially considering our busy week ahead. Time spent in the hospital on that day: 30 minutes!
March 9th Quick Visit
At 3pm we went to the hospital to have some of Dom’s bandages removed and have her central line flushed. It was a quick visit which was nice considering we have appointments for more tests all next week. Time spent in the hospital on that day: 1 hour