A big day full of happy emotions at the hospital. It started with our appointment with Dr. Skarsgard. He gave Dominique a little check up and said she looks great. He also commented that he is amazed that she doesn’t have Horners Syndrome after surgery as it was always his belief that Dominique’s tumor had invaded the neural network responsible for the dilation and constriction of the pupil in her eye. We said our emotional thank you’s and asked if he had the photos of Dominique’s tumor. He suggested we schedule a time next Friday to come and see the little video of Dominique’s surgery. He said he’ll bring the popcorn.
Our appointment in the Oncology department was more emotional. Our primary nurse Angie and Dr. Bond presented Dominique with a few special momentums. First with a certificate for completing her treatment, then with a big teddy bear (which I immediately named Mason after Dr. Bond) , and finally with a glass trophy commending us all for our courage. The quote on the trophy is from the wizard of oz :
“For meritorious conduct, extraordinary valour, and conspicuous bravery, you are now a member of the legion of Courage.”
We then presented them with cards and gifts and I told them that I came to the conclusion that there is nothing we could do or say that is equivalent to what they’ve done for us. We took video and photos of the whole ordeal. Dominique’s next appointment will be sometime later October for her hearing test, EKG and CT scan

Time spent in the hospital on that day: 2 good hours