Just a test
Embedded Automation mControl Now on App Store
Embedded Automation just launched mControl for iPad and iPhone/iPhone on the app store! The application lets you access Embedded Automation’s mControl “Digital Home” software from your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch. Control your house lights, thermostat, alarm system, and even your security camera right within your iPad! The application is free and can be used […]
How to Connect Your Own Router to Telus Optik TV Actiontec Router
Just got Optik TV installed and Telus upgraded my Speed Touch modem with their new Optik TV Actiontec V1000H router. I had a Linksys E2000 all configured and really didn’t feel like switching so I wanted to hook them up. Unfortunately it is not just a matter of plug and play. You have to play […]
How to Forward Shaw Email to Another Email Address Old UI
This post explains how to do it using the old UI. For the new UI, please visit this post. I know there are some other answers for this and it is pretty simple but judging by the number of hits I get for how to forward Telus emails, I figured it would be useful. 1) […]
How to Forward Shaw Email to Another – 2014 UI
This post explains how to do it using the new UI. For the old UI, please visit this post. I know there are some other answers for this and it is pretty simple but judging by the number of hits I get for how to forward Telus emails, I figured it would be useful. 1) […]