I didn’t sleep well without little Dominique at home. I kept having knee jerk dreams where I would suddenly awake and think “oh my god, Dominique has cancer and is in ICU right now”. I guess that’s the body’s way of absorbing the shock. At 6am I was getting antsy to get to the hospital. […]
March 7th Biopsy Day
We were instructed to be at the hospital at 10:20am. Poor Dom had to fast again and hadn’t had anything to eat since 4 am when she had a small bottle. Running behind schedule, it wasn’t until 12:45pm when we handed Dom over to the nurse for sugery and she was definitely hungry. I could […]
March 6th CT Scan Day
The stressful part of this day was knowing that we would be meeting with the surgeons following the scan to find out more details about the tumor and the possibility of it being removed (best case scenario). We waited and waited for Dom’s scan as they were running about 45 mins behind. Dom had to […]
March 5th Bone Marrow Test Day
A nerve wracking day to say the least. It started with a nurse attempting to put an intravenous in Dominique’s foot which was nearly impossible due to her chubby hands and feet. They put hot diapers around her hand and feet to try and raise a vein. The intravenous was successful, but Dom was not […]
March 4th Our first visit at the oncology clinic.
Our first appointment in the Oncology Department at Children’s Hospital was at 10:45am. First impressions of the clinic were heartbreaking. Babies Dominique’s age hooked up to their Chemotherapy treatments with bald scalps. They took Dominique’s blood pressure, weight and temperature and we chatted with Ravina, Dr. Bond (Oncologist) and Surgeon Dr. Mark Macculough. Dr. Macculough […]
February 28th Bad News.
We had been home from our first family holiday to Montreal for two days. The holiday was a disaster as Mumma was sick and Dominique became very ill with the flu and went to the emergency two times in Malbaie. They diagnosed her with an ear infection and she was on antibiotics. On this date, […]