Sylvain reminded me on the way to the hospital that it has been 4 months since Dom’s cancer diagnosis. I did a quick calculation in my head and realized that approximately 30% of Dominique’s life has been focused on extensive testing and treatment of her illness.
I have to say, I was quite stressed for this scan- although we’ve done it all before. Dominique was in a great mood today despite having to fast. The scan was on time however we had to be at the hospital an hour before the actual scan for all the prep stuff. I went in the CT room while they sedated Dominique. This time they used a different anaesthetic called pentathol . We waited in the waiting room and it seemd to take much longer than the last time. Finally the nurse came to get me (only one parent allowed) to bring me to the post surgery room. Dominique was brought there because this time they decided to incubate her for the procedure (put a tube down her throat to help her breath). She was very cranky when she woke up…cried and cried. Tried to give her a bottle of applejuice but you could tell she wanted the real thing.
When we got moved back to the CT scan room Sylvain came and I was able to give her a bottle of formula. She settled down and we were able to leave after 30 minutes. I am sure Dr. Bond will call us next week regarding the anticipated results.
Time spent in the hospital on that day: 4 hours